Crappy Science Reporting

Autism is Not Caused By Vaccination

Feb 16th, 2009 | By | Category: Crappy Science Reporting, Public Health

Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination: …..a special federal court ruled Thursday that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and vaccines that contained a mercury-based preservative were not […]

Open Letter to John Solomon

Aug 16th, 2007 | By | Category: Crappy Science Reporting

Dear John, On the Washington Post’s election blog, you managed to make an ass of yourself. Many religious conservatives, including President Bush, oppose the scientific use of embryonic stem cells because the cells often come from aborted fetuses. (emphasis added) This is objectively false. Many religious conservatives, including President Bush, oppose the scientific use of […]