Open Letter to John Solomon
Aug 16th, 2007 | By Jonathan Golob | Category: Crappy Science ReportingDear John,
On the Washington Post’s election blog, you managed to make an ass of yourself.
Many religious conservatives, including President Bush, oppose the scientific use of embryonic stem cells because the cells often come from aborted fetuses.
(emphasis added)
This is objectively false. Many religious conservatives, including President Bush, oppose the scientific use of embryonic stem cells because they are ignorant fools.
Embryonic stem cells are NOT made from aborted fetuses. Embryonic stem cells are made from leftover embryos from IVF clinics. You know, the unregulated industry focused on bringing yet more children into a world of over six-billion people—a world that can sustain at most about two billion people with the Western lifestyle. Embryonic stem cell research is an alternative to fetal tissue research.
This isn’t an arguable point, like the idea that a clump of a hundred cells could be the moral, spiritual and legal equivalent to an adult human being. This isn’t balanced reporting. This is categorically false.
To help you figure things out, I’ve created and sent a T-shirt to you, c/o of the Post.
While brushing your teeth, washing your hands, or flossing, you can have a helpful hint right on your chest. Your back will help your editors—who allowed this to sit uncorrected for days—figure some things out as well.
Accurately Yours,
Thanks to Tom Robey at Hope-for-Pandora for the catch. Know of any other reporters, politicians or relatives who deserve a t-shirt? E-mail me at [email protected].