Archive for February 2009

Autism is Not Caused By Vaccination

Feb 16th, 2009 | By | Category: Crappy Science Reporting, Public Health

Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination. Autism is not caused by vaccination: …..a special federal court ruled Thursday that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine and vaccines that contained a mercury-based preservative were not […]

The Carbon Impact of Reading On Paper or Online

Feb 13th, 2009 | By | Category: Dear Science Column, Environmental, Featured Articles

Is reading The Stranger online actually any greener than reading the printed-in-Yakima hard copy? It was time to roll up my sleeves and do some real, primary, research on the question. Allow me to show my work.

Evolution on Darwin’s 200th Birthday

Feb 12th, 2009 | By | Category: Evolution, Featured Articles, Lead Article

Human understanding of life has come in spurts, separated by decades of consolidation and grappling with new data or new ways of thinking about biology. We’re, right now, in midst of another spurt in our understanding of life.


Feb 9th, 2009 | By | Category: Science and Society

With Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN) protesting Lark over Foie Gras, and the (expected) backlash, I feel like it’s time to have a pro-animal rights post. Not pro-NARN, mind you. I want to praise the animal rights activists who created, implemented and supported the research animal use regulations. Rather than go after an outright ban […]