Archive for September 2007
Child Mortality and Overpopulation
Sep 13th, 2007 | By Jonathan | Category: MedicineAs the New York Times reported today, a higher than ever percentage of children are surviving until their fifth birthday. This public health triumph has arisen, Unicef officials said, partly from campaigns against measles, malaria and bottle-feeding, and partly from improvements in the economies of most of the world outside Africa. So, with more babies […]
Happy Ten Year Anniversary
Sep 11th, 2007 | By Jonathan Golob | Category: Medicine… to triple drug therapy for HIV. While the new therapy started in 1996, it was on September 11th 1997 when the first report was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Here is a lovely manuscript–a proper randomized double-blind and controlled study. The trial patients were grouped by CD4 T cell counts, and […]
Federally Funded Human Embryonic Stem Cells
Sep 5th, 2007 | By Jonathan Golob | Category: Embryonic Stem Cell ResearchThe University of Washington was selected by the NIH as one of two national centers for human embryonic stem cell research. The purse? Ten million dollars in federal funds spread over five years. Hurray for us! (Full disclosure time: I was a small contributor to the grant, including preliminary data, experimental design and writing. The […]
Dear Science: Lightning Round!
Sep 1st, 2007 | By Jonathan Golob | Category: Dear Science ColumnVegetarians: outsource your meat eating. Venus fly traps can go vegan, if with a shortened and miserable life. Hybrid drivers: stop duping yourselves and others. Hybrids are no more environmentally friendly than a small regular car, and maybe even a bit worse. Want to be sanctimonious? Ride a bike. Bus riders: time does slow down […]